Double ended queue or Deque in CPP is used for insertion and deletion of data from both the front end and the back end of a queue.
deque <object_type> deque_name;
CPP Deque Functions
at() | To access the element at position pos. |
assign() | To assign new content to the deque, replacing the old one. |
begin() | To return an iterator to the beginning of the deque. |
back() | To access the last element. |
cend() | To return a constant iterator to the end. |
cbegin() | To return a constant iterator to the beginning of the deque. |
clear() | To remove all the contents of the deque. |
crbegin() | To return a const reverse iterator to the beginning. |
crend() | To return a const reverse iterator to the end. |
empty() | To determine whether the container is empty or not. |
emplace_back() | To insert a new element at the end. |
emplace_front() | To insert a new element at the beginning. |
erase() | To delete the specified element. |
end() | To return an iterator to the end. |
emplace() | To insert a new element at a specified position. |
front() | To access the first element. |
insert() | To insert a new element just before the specified position. |
max_size() | To determine the maximum size of the deque. |
operator=() | To assign new values to the container. |
operator[]() | To access a specified element. |
push_back() | To add a new element at the end of the container. |
push_front() | To add a new element at the start of the container. |
pop_back() | To remove the last element from the deque. |
pop_front() | To remove the first element from the deque. |
rend() | To return a reverse iterator to the end. |
rbegin() | To return a reverse iterator to the beginning. |
resize() | To modify the size of the deque. |
size() | To determine the number of elements in the deque. |
shrink_to_fit() | To reduce the memory to fit the size of the deque. |
swap() | To exchange the the contents of two deques. |