Memory units are used to represent and measure data. The most common memory units are:
- Bit: It is the starting unit of computer memory. It is the smallest unit that measures data stored in storage devices and main memory. It can only have one binary value, either 0 or 1.
- Byte: Byte is the fundamental unit of measuring data. It is equal to 8 bits or it contains 8 bits. Therefore, the values 2*8 or 256 can be represented by a byte.
- Kilobyte: 1 kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes.
- Megabyte: 1 megabyte is equal to 1024 kilobytes.
- Gigabyte: 1 gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes.
- Terabyte: 1 terabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes.