Install CouchDB

Install CouchDB on Windows:

  • Download CouchDB from the official website:
  • Click on the download button.
  • From the various files of different formats, download CouchDB according to your operating system.
  • Now run the downloaded apache file.
  • Complete the pre-installation processes and click on the INSTALL button.
  • Open the link: in a browser after the successful installation.
  • For interacting with the CouchDB web interface, use the following URL:
  • Go to the verify tab to verify the installation.
  • Go to Setup tab.
  • The first option displayed will be “Configure cluster” which is chosen for multiple servers and large setup.
  • The second option “Configure Single Node” is chosen for a simple database application.
  • After choosing the “configure single node”, fill the credentials.
  • To change the password or to create another admin click on the admin tab.


Install CouchDB on Linux Systems:

  • Use the below command to install CouchDB on Ubuntu and Debian.
    sudo apt install CouchDB  
  • You can verify the installation on a web browser by opening the following URL:
    For the Linux systems with no CouchDB, one can install CouchDB and its dependencies including:

    1. Erlang OTP
    2. ICU
    3. OpenSSL
    4. Mozilla SpiderMonkey
    5. GNU Make
    6. GNU Compiler Collection
    7. libcurl
    8. help2man
    9. Python for docs
    10. Python Sphinx
  • Use the below commands to install the dependencies.
    $sudo yum install autoconf 
    $sudo yum install autoconf-archive 
    $sudo yum install automake 
    $sudo yum install curl-devel 
    $sudo yum install erlang-asn1 
    $sudo yum install erlang-erts 
    $sudo yum install erlang-eunit 
    $sudo yum install erlang-os_mon 
    $sudo yum install erlang-xmerl 
    $sudo yum install help2man 
    $sudo yum install js-devel 
    $sudo yum install libicu-devel 
    $sudo yum install libtool 
    $sudo yum install perl-Test-Harness 
  • Configure and start CouchDB.
  • You can verify the installation on a web browser by opening the following URL: