JSTL fmt:setLocale Formatting Tag

The JSTL <fmt:setLocale> Formatting Tag is used for setting the locale configuration variable with the given locale.


<fmt:setLocale value=”localeValue” />

fmt:setLocale tag attributes:

Attribute Description Required
value It specify a two-part code that represents the ISO-639 language code and an ISO-3166 country code. Yes
variant It specify the browser specific variant. No
scope It specify the scope of the locale configuration variable. No



<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
		<title>fmt:setLocale JSTL formatting tag example</title>
	      <fmt:bundle basename="com.w3schools.properties.message">
		   <fmt:message key="message.first"/><br/>
		   <fmt:message key="message.second"/><br/>
		   <fmt:message key="message.third"/><br/>
	      <h4>Message after changing the locale.</h4>
	      <fmt:setLocale value="en"/>
	      <fmt:bundle basename="com.w3schools.properties.message">
		   <fmt:message key="message.first"/><br/>
		   <fmt:message key="message.second"/><br/>
		   <fmt:message key="message.third"/><br/>


message.first = This is first message using en_US locale.
message.second = This is second message en_US locale.
message.third = This is third message en_US locale.


message.first = This is first message using en locale.
message.second = This is second message using en locale.
message.third = This is third message using en locale.




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