Ohm’s law

Ohm’s law was the most important quantitative description of the physics of electricity and it states that current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across it’s two points. In physics Ohm’s law is rather used to refer various generalizations of the other law as vector form of law is an example. This law has generalizedor used as a part of reference of many other laws and observed on a wide range of length scales. There are more terms used to describe Ohm’s law better and to describe what function it includes like voltage, current and resistance. Voltage is simply how much energy is between two points on circuit, current is how fast the charge is flowing through and last resistance is nothing but how the circuit resist the flow of charges.

What is resistivity and conductivity in this law?

This law has a wide range in the history of physics that is why the concept of resistivity and conductivity is considered in this as a crucial part of this law. Resistivity is the measure of its opposition to the flow of current whereas conductivity is the inverse of resistivity as it is the ease with which the electric current passes. Resistance of an object is widely defined as ratio of voltage and again the conduction is the inverse of the resistance. If we take some other words or definitions such as substances in which electricity flows are conductors an a piece of conducting material consisting of a particular resistance that is meant for use in the circuit is known as a resistor. Metals are an example of high conductivity and on other hand, resistors are made of wide variety of materials depending on some other factors.

What is the role of electrical energy and power?

There is a saying for energy that it can never be created nor destroyed but it can only be transferred and there are two types of energy one is potential energy and other one is kinetic energy. Ohm’s law states that energy can be produced from other sources or other forms of energy. Every atom has its own energy and the world is made of atoms so as we discussed earlier that this law has a wide range of examples and applications and one of its applications is this that energy is in every form we see, touch or anything we are moving towards. To understand more we can take magnet as a perfect example it has the energy to attract and to repel which is a great example of creating and transforming the energy.