C Sharp if else

C# if-else

To test a condition or multiple conditions, C# provides various types of if statements. These are:

  • if statement
  • if-else statement
  • nested if statement
  • if-else-if ladder

C# IF Statement:

The C# IF statement is used to test the condition and then to execute the specified code if the condition is true.


//code to be executed  


using System;      
public class Example  
       public static void Main(string[] args)  
            int n = 20;  
            if (n % 2 == 0)  
                Console.WriteLine("Even Number!!");  


Even Number!!


In the above example, we are displaying the working and behavior of the C# if statement.

C# if-else Statement:

The C# if-else statement is used to test the condition and to execute the IF block if the condition is true, or to execute the else block if the condition is false.


//code if condition is true  
//code if condition is false  

Example 1:

using System;      
public class Example  
       public static void Main(string[] args)  
            int n = 21;  
            if (n % 2 == 0)  
                Console.WriteLine("Even Number!!");  
                Console.WriteLine("Odd Number!!");  


Odd Number!!


In the above example, we are displaying the working and behavior of the C# if-else statement.

Example 2: With input from the user.

using System;      
public class Example  
       public static void Main(string[] args)  
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number:");  
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); 
            if (n % 2 == 0)  
                Console.WriteLine("Even Number!!");  
                Console.WriteLine("Odd Number!!");  

Output 1:

Output 2:


In the above example, we are displaying the working and behavior of the C# if-else statement, while taking input from the user. The Console.ReadLine() method is used for this which returns a string. The string is converted into an int using Convert.ToInt32() method, to get a numeric value.

C# if-else-if ladder Statement:

To execute one condition from multiple statements, the C# if-else-if ladder statement is used.


//code to be executed if condition1 is true  
else if(condition2){  
//code to be executed if condition2 is true  
else if(condition3){  
//code to be executed if condition3 is true  
//code to be executed if all the conditions are false  


using System;      
public class Example  
        public static void Main(string[] args)  
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number between 0 to 100:");  
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());  
            if(n >= 0 && n < 20){  
                Console.WriteLine("YOU HAVE TO SMILE NOW!!");  
            else if (n >= 20 && n < 40)  
                Console.WriteLine("YOU HAVE TO LAUGH NOW!!");  
            else if (n >= 40 && n < 60)  
                Console.WriteLine("YOU HAVE TO CRY NOW!!");  
            else if (n >= 60 && n < 80)  
                Console.WriteLine("YOU HAVE TO SHOUT NOW!!");  
            else if (n >= 80 && n < 100)  
                Console.WriteLine("YOU HAVE TO SING NOW!!");  
                Console.WriteLine("Enter again."); 

Output 1:

Output 2:

Output 3:


In the above example, we are displaying the working and behavior of the C# if-else-if ladder statement.