C Sharp System.IO Namespace

C# System.IO Namespace

The IO related classes, structures, delegates, and enumerations in C# along with the classes for file and directory support are included in the System.IO namespace. For reading and writing data to files or data streams, the IO related classes can be used.

C# System.IO Namespace Classes:

The classes residing inside the System.IO namespace are listed below.

Class Uses
BinaryReader For reading primitive data types as binary values in a specific encoding.
BinaryWriter For writing primitive types in binary to a stream.
BufferedStream For adding a buffering layer to read and write operations on another stream. It is a sealed class.
Directory For exposing the static methods for creating, moving and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. It is a sealed class.
DirectoryInfo For exposing the instance methods for creating, moving and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. It is a sealed class.
DirectoryNotFoundException For handling the exception related to the file or directory that cannot be found.
DriveInfo For accessing the information on a drive.
DriveNotFoundException For handling the drive not found exception.
EndOfStreamException For handling the end of stream exception.
ErrorEventArgs For facilitating the data for the FileSystemWatcher.Error event.
File For facilitating the static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving and opening of a single file.
FileFormatException For handling the file format exception.
FileInfo For facilitating the properties and instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving and opening of files.
FileLoadException For handling the file load exception.
FileNotFoundException For handling the file load exception.
FileNotFoundException For handling the file not found exception.
FileStream For facilitating a Stream for a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.
FileSystemEventArgs For facilitating the data for the directory events.
FileSystemInfo For facilitating the base class for both FileInfo and DirectoryInfo objects.
FileSystemWatcher For listening to the file system change notifications and for raising events when a directory or file in a directory changes.
InternalBufferOverflowException For handling the internal buffer overflow exception.
InvalidDataException For handling the invalid data exception.
IODescriptionAttribute To set the description visual designers to display while referencing an event, extender or property.
IOException For handling the I/O errors. It is an exception class.
MemoryStream For creating a stream whose backing store is memory.
Path For performing the operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information.
PathTooLongException For handling the path too long exception. It is an exception class.
PipeException For handling the pipe related exception. It is an exception class.
RenamedEventArgs For facilitating the data for the Renamed event.
Stream For facilitating a generic view of a sequence of bytes. It is an abstract class.
StreamReader For implementing a TextReader to read characters from a byte stream.
StringReader For implementing a TextReader to read from a string.
StringWriter For implementing a TextWriter for writing information to a string that is saved in an underlying StringBuilder.
TextReader For representing a reader to read a sequential series of characters.
TextWriter For representing a writer to write a sequential series of characters.
UnmanagedMemoryAccessor For facilitating the random access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code.
UnmanagedMemoryStream For facilitating the access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code.

System.IO Namespace Structures:

The structures residing inside the System.IO namespace are listed below.

Structure Uses
WaitForChangedResult To contain the information about the change that occurred.

System.IO Namespace Delegates:

The delegates residing inside the System.IO namespace are listed below.

Delegates Uses
ErrorEventHandler To specify the method for handling the Error event of a FileSystemWatcher object.
FileSystemEventHandler To specify the method for handling the Changed, Created or Deleted event of a FileSystemWatcher class.
RenamedEventHandler To specify the method for handling the renamed event of a FileSystemWatcher class.

System.IO Namespace Enumerations:

The enumerations residing inside the System.IO namespace are listed below.

Enumeration Uses
DriveType To specify the constants for drive types including CDRom, Fixed, Network etc.
FileAccess To specify the constants for read, write or read/write access to a file.
FileAttributes To facilitating the attributes for files and directories.
FileMode To define the way to open a file by the operating system.
FileOptions To specify the advanced options to create a FileStream object.
FileShare To add constants to control the kind of access other FileStream objects can have to the same file.
HandleInheritability To determine whether the underlying handle is inheritable by child processes.
NotifyFilters To define the changes to watch for in a file or folder.
SearchOption To determine whether to search the current directory or the current directory and all subdirectories.
SeekOrigin To define the position in a stream to use for seeking.
WatcherChangeTypes To specify the changes that might occur to a file or directory.