Backbone.JS Previous()

The Backbone.JS Previous() model is used to determine the previous value of the changed attribute of a model. Syntax: Model.Previous (attributes) Parameters: attributes: This parameter is used to specify the properties of a model. Example: Example Output: Value of msg1 after set: {“msg1″:”Hello World.”} Previous value of msg1: HELLO WORLD. Explanation: In the above example, … Read more

Backbone.JS ChangedAttributes()

The Backbone.JS ChangedAttributes() model is used to get the model’s attributes that have changed since the last set and becomes false if there are no attributes. Syntax: Model.ChangedAttributes (attributes) Parameters: attributes: This parameter is used to specify the properties of a model. Example: Example Output: Changed attributes: {“sub”:”Just another Example.”,”msg”:”Hello World.”} Explanation: In the above … Read more

Backbone.JS IsNew()

The Backbone.JS IsNew() model is used to check if a model doesn’t have an id and is not saved to the server, to determine it as a new. Syntax: Model.IsNew () Example: Example Output: True Explanation: In the above example, the model is new.

Backbone.JS HasChanged()

The Backbone.JS HasChanged() model is used to get the TRUE value if the attributes have changed since the last set of the model attributes. Syntax: Model.HasChanged (attributes) Parameters: attributes: This parameter is used to specify the properties of a model. Example: Example Output: MESSAGE has changed = false MESSAGE has changed = true Explanation: In … Read more

Backbone.JS Clone()

The Backbone.JS Clone() model is used for two main purposes. To create a deep copy of a model. To copy one model object to another object. Syntax: Model.Clone () Example: Example Output: {“msg1″:”Hello World.”,”msg2″:”Welcome.”} Explanation: In the above example, the output is a deep clone of the X model.

Backbone.JS Parse()

The Backbone.JS Parse() model is used to get the model’s data (in the JSON format) by passing through the response object. Syntax: Model.Parse (response, options) Parameters: response: This parameter is passed using response raw object in order to get the attributes to be set on the model. options: This parameter is used to specify the … Read more

Backbone.JS URLroot()

The Backbone.JS URLroot() model enables the URL function. Syntax: Model.URLroot() Example: Example Output: /exampleURL/models Explanation: In the above example, the URLroot() model enables the URL function so that the output is the URL where model’s resource is located.

Backbone.JS URL()

The Backbone.JS URL() model is used to get URL where model’s resource is located. Syntax: Model.URL() Example: Example Output: /exampleURL/models Explanation: In the above example, the output is the URL where model’s resource is located.

Backbone.JS IsValid()

The Backbone.JS IsValid() model is used to check the model state and also to check validations for each attribute. Syntax: Model.IsValid Example: isValid Example Output: Student_Name is: true Explanation: In the above example a value is passed for the ‘Student_Name’ and thus the result is valid.

Backbone.JS Validate()

The Backbone.JS Validate() model is used to validate the input before displaying the result. For invalid inputs, the Backbone.JS Validate() model returns specified error message and for the valid inputs, it just display the result. Syntax: Model.Validate (attributes, options) Parameters: attributes: This parameter is used to specify the properties of a model. options: This parameter … Read more