Backbone.JS IdAttribute()
The Backbone.JS IdAttribute() model is used to specify the model’s unique identifier. Syntax: Model.IdAttribute Example: Example Output: Unique identifier: id Explanation: The unique identifier is set as id.
The Backbone.JS IdAttribute() model is used to specify the model’s unique identifier. Syntax: Model.IdAttribute Example: Example Output: Unique identifier: id Explanation: The unique identifier is set as id.
The Backbone.JS ID() model is used to identify model entity uniquely. Syntax: Model.ID Example: Example Output: Student Id: 100 Explanation: The student id is set as 100.
The Backbone.JS Clear() model removes all attributes, including the id attribute also. Syntax: Model.Clear (options) Parameters: options: This parameter is used to define options like id, name, etc. Example: Clear Example Output: Student Name: Tom Student id: 100 Student Name After using clear: undefined Student id After using clear: undefined Explanation: After Clear all the … Read more
The Backbone.JS Unset() model removes an attribute from a backboneJS model. Syntax: Model.Unset(attribute) Parameters: attribute: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. Example: Example Output: Message after SET: HELLO WORLD Message after UNSET: undefined Explanation: After UNSET the message is undefined.
The Backbone.JS Has() model is used to get a true value, if the attribute value is defined with a non-null value or non-undefined value. Syntax: Model.has(attribute) Parameters: attribute: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. Example: Example Output: We have one more message: True Explanation: In this example the Backbone.JS has() model … Read more
The Backbone.JS get() model returns the value of an attribute in the model. Syntax: Model.get(attribute) Parameters: attribute: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. Example: Example Output: The FIRST Message: HELLO Explanation: The Backbone.JS get() model is returning the value of the MSG1 in the model.
The Backbone.JS Escape() model is used to get the html-escaped version of a model’s attributes. Syntax: Model.Escape(attribute) Parameters: attribute: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. Example: Example Output: The FIRST Message: HELLO Explanation: The Backbone.JS Escape() model gets the html-escaped version of the attributes in the model.
The Backbone.JS set() model sets the value of an attribute in the model. Syntax: Model.set(attribute) Parameters: attribute: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. Example: Example Output: The FIRST Message: HELLO Explanation: The Backbone.JS set() model is setting the value of the attributes in the model.
The Backbone.JS Extend() model extends the Backbone.model class while creating a backbone model. Syntax: Backbone.Model.Extend( properties, classProperties ) Parameters: properties: This parameter is used to specify the instance properties for the Model class. classProperties: This parameter is attached to the constructor function. Example: Example Output: Hello World! Explanation: The Backbone.JS Extend() model will extend the … Read more
The Backbone.JS Initialize() model invokes the class’s constructor when model is created. Syntax: new Model(attributes, options) Parameters: attributes: This parameter is used to define properties of a model. options: This parameter is used to specify the options such as id, name etc to be used with attributes. Example: Model Example Output: Hello World! Explanation: The … Read more