NLP Models for Writing Code: Program Synthesis

[ad_1] Copilot, Codex, and AlphaCode: How Good are Computer Programs that Program Computers Now? Enabled by the rise of transformers in Natural Language Processing (NLP), we’ve seen a flurry of astounding deep learning models for writing code in recent years. Computer programs that can write computer programs, generally known as the program synthesis problem, have … Read more

Improving Performance in a Hierarchical SQL Structure

[ad_1] This post will demonstrate how column propagation can stand for a clear-cut solution to strengthening query performance when dealing with a hierarchical knowledge construction. We are going to do this with a true-planet circumstance based on a facts-pushed task involving a live facts internet site designed for a startup operating in the athletics marketplace. … Read more

Searching for a specific node in Doubly Linked List

To search for a specific element in the list, traverse the list in order, by following the below steps: Use the below statement, to copy the head pointer into a temporary pointer variable ptr. ptr = headptr = head Use the below statement, to declare a local variable “i” and assign a 0 to it. … Read more

Traversing in doubly linked list

In any type of data structure, traversing is the most common operation. Visiting each node of the list once to perform some specific operation, is called traversing. We will follow the below steps for traversing in a doubly-linked list: Use the below statement, to copy the head pointer in any of the temporary pointer ptr. … Read more

Deletion in the doubly linked list at end

First, we need to traverse the list to reach the last node of the list. Deletion of the last node in a doubly-linked list requires pointer adjustments at that position. We will follow the below steps, to delete the last node of the list: If the condition head == NULL is true, no operation can … Read more

Deletion in doubly linked list after specified node

We will follow the below steps, to delete the node after the specified data: Use the below statement, to copy the head pointer into a temporary pointer temp. temp = headtemp = head Use the below statements, to traverse the list until we find the desired data value. while(temp -> data != val) temp = … Read more

Deletion in doubly linked list at beginning

Being the simplest operation, we just need to copy the head pointer to pointer ptr and shift the head pointer to its next, for deletion in the doubly linked list at the beginning. ptr = head; head = head → next;ptr = head; head = head → next; Now, use the below statements, to make … Read more

Insertion in doubly linked list at the end

We need to ensure if the list is empty or it contains any element, before inserting a node in the doubly linked list at the end. To insert the node in the doubly linked list at the end, we can follow the below steps: Use the below statement to allocate the memory for the new … Read more

Insertion in doubly linked list after the specified node

Before making the required pointer adjustments, skip the required number of nodes to reach the mentioned node, to insert a node after that specified node, in the list. For this, we will use the below steps: Use the below statement to allocate the memory for the new node. ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));ptr = … Read more

Insertion in doubly linked list at the beginning

Compared to a singly linked list, more number of pointers are maintained in the doubly linked list, since every node of a doubly linked list contains double pointers. While inserting an element into the doubly linked list, there can be two scenarios, either the list is empty or it contains at least one element. To … Read more