The function of List is more or less same as CPP vector, however unlike the CPP vectors, CPP list is a contiguous container which supports a bidirectional insertion and deletion operations. In CPP list, elements are accessed sequentially Which results in slow traversal.
Syntax 1:
list <data_type> list_name{value1, value2, …….};
Syntax 2:
list <data_type> list_name = {value1, value2, …….};
CPP Deque Functions
assign() | To assign a new element to the list container. |
back() | To access the last element. |
empty() | To determine whether the list is empty or not. |
emplace_back() | To insert a new element at the end. |
emplace_front() | To insert a new element at the beginning. |
emplace() | To insert a new element at a specified position. |
front() | To access the first element. |
insert() | To insert a new element just before the specified position. |
merge() | To merge the two sorted list. |
max_size() | To determine the maximum size of the list. |
push_back() | To add a new element at the end of the list. |
push_front() | To add a new element at the start of the list. |
pop_back() | To remove the last element from the list. |
pop_front() | To remove the first element from the list. |
resize() | To modify the size of the list. |
reverse() | To reverse the order of the list. |
size() | To determine the number of elements in the list. |
sort() | To sort the list in an increasing order. |
splice() | To insert a new list into the invoking list. |
swap() | To exchange the the contents of two lists of same type. |
unique() | To remove all the duplicate elements from the list. |
#include<iostream.h> #include<list.h> using namespace std; int main() { list<string> ls{"Hello! ", "CPP ", "Programmers. ", "Welcome !!"}; for (list <string> ::iterator i=ls.begin(); i!=ls.end(); ++i) cout << *i; return 0; } |
Hello! CPP Programmers. Welcome !! |