History of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL History

PostgreSQL is currently the most advanced open-source database available in the world. It was started in 1986 to overcome the problems of the contemporary database system. It was created by a computer science professor named Michael Stonebraker at UCB and was originally called Postgres, as it was started as a follow-up project and a post-Ingres project.


Brief History:

1977-1985 Project INGRES was developed. ●      Proof-of-concept for relational databases.

●      Established the company Ingres in 1980.

1986-1994 POSTGRES ●      Bought by Computer Associates in 1994.

●      Development of the concepts in INGRES with a focus on object orientation and the query language Quel.

●      The codebase of INGRES was not used as a basis for POSTGRES.

●      Commercialized as Illustra (bought by Informix, bought by IBM).

1994-1995 Postgres95 ●      Support for SQL was added in 1994.

●      Released as Postgres95 in 1995.

1996 PostgreSQL ●      Re-released as PostgreSQL 6.0 in 1996.

●      Establishment of the PostgreSQL Global Development Team.