Install PouchDB

Steps to Install PouchDB

  • Firstly, install Node.js for using PouchDB with Node console.
  • Download and install npm.
  • Install PouchDB by executing the below code on Node.js command prompt.
    npm install pouchdb
  • Install PouchDB Server by executing the below code on Node.js command prompt.
    npm install -g pouchdb-server
  • Set a port to run PouchDB:
    pouchdb-server --port 5000
  • Open Node.js command prompt.
  • Start the server:
    pouchdb-server --port 5000
  • Perform operations of PouchDB.


Install PouchDB GUI:

  • Go to
  • Download pouchdb-6.3.4.min.js.
  • Include it in your JavaScript with below command.
    <script src="pouchdb-6.3.4.min.js"></script>
  • Install PouchDB.
  • Open local port
  • You can see the welcome message.
  • Open
  • You can see the complete GUI of PouchDB.
  • Perform the operations as you want.