Javascript Data Types and Variable Scope

JavaScript Data Types:

JavaScript Data Types are the types of values that can be represented and manipulated by JavaScript.

JavaScript Data Types List:

1. Numbers.
2. Strings.
3. Boolean.
4. Null.
5. Undefined.
6. Object.
7. Array.
8. RegExp.

JavaScript variables:

The variable is the name of a reserved memory location. In JavaScript, the var keyword is used to declare a variable.

Rules for declaring a JavaScript variable:

1. JavaScript variable name must begin with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign.
2. JavaScript variable names are case-sensitive.
3. JavaScript reserved keywords like abstract, boolean, etc can’t be used as JavaScript variable names.

JavaScript variable scope:

1. Local variable.
2. Global variable.

JavaScript Local variable:

A variable defined inside a function or block of JavaScript code is known as a local variable. It can be accessed only within that function or block.

JavaScript Local Variable Example:

function showNumber(){
//local variable
var num=10;

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JavaScript Global variable:

A variable defined outside a function or block of JavaScript code is known as a global variable. It can be accessed anywhere in JavaScript code

JavaScript Global Variable Example:

//Global variable
var num=10;
function showNumber(){
function displayNumber(){

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