JSTL c:if Core Tag

The JSTL <c:if> Core Tag is used in control flow. It evaluates an expression and execute a specific block of code is result returns true.


<c:if  test ="testCondition">
   //block of code 

c:if tag attributes:

Attribute Description Required
test It specify the condition to evaluate. Yes
var It specify the name of the variable to store the condition’s result. No
scope It specify the scope of the variable to store the condition’s result. No



<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
		<title>c:if JSTL core tag example</title>
		<c:set var="num" value="100"/>
		<c:if test="${num > 0}">
			Num = <c:out value="${num}"/>




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