Php CouchDB Tutorial

Php CouchDB

For PHP CouchDB connectivity a PHP script is needed to be executed. By default, CouchDB executes on the port 5984. Follow the below steps for PHP CouchDB connectivity.

  • Create a Php file with the below code.

    $options['host'] = "localhost";   
    $options['port'] = 5984;  
    $couch = new CouchSimple($options);   
    $couch->send("GET", "/");   
    $couch->send("PUT", "/example");   
    $couch->send("PUT", "/example/100", '{"_id":"100","name":"Tom"}');   
    $resp = $couch->send("GET", "/example/100");   
    echo $resp;   
    class CouchSimple {  
    function CouchSimple($options) {  
    foreach($options AS $key => $value) {  
    $this->$key = $value;  
    function send($method, $url, $post_data = NULL) {  
    $s = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr);   
    if(!$s) {  
    echo "$errno: $errstr\n";   
    return false;  
    $request = "$method $url HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $this->host\r\n";   
    if ($this->user) {  
    $request .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$this->user:$this->pass")."\r\n";   
    if($post_data) {  
    $request .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_data)."\r\n\r\n";   
    $request .= "$post_data\r\n";  
    else {  
    $request .= "\r\n";  
    fwrite($s, $request);   
    $response = "";   
    while(!feof($s)) {  
    $response .= fgets($s);  
    list($this->headers, $this->body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response);   
    return $this->body;  
  • Access CouchDB using the URL: http://localhost:5984/_utils.
  • Check available databases.
  • Execute the PHP script at the localhost server.
  • Access CouchDB again.
  • A new database named “example” is created with a document referred to as ID 100.
  • Values stored in the document can be checked by clicking on that.
  • Fetch Data in the browser.