Python CouchDB
First, install the below packages, to connect with CouchDB by using the Python.
- Python interpreter
- CouchDB database
- Python-CouchDB driver
Follow the below steps to connect with CouchDB by using the Python:
- Install Python-CouchDB driver.
# pip install couchdb
- Start MongoDB Service
# service couchdb start
- Create a Python Script
# vi
import couchdb couch = couchdb.Server() db = couch.create('example') print("Database Successfully Created."); doc = {'name':'Students'} print("Document Successfully Created.") print("The name of the document is: "+doc['name'])
- Access CouchDB at the URL: http://localhost:5984/_utils.
- Thus access the database on localhost.
- Execute the Python Script
# python
- Access the created database and check the stored value.