The JavaScript string replace() method eliminates a given string with the specified replacement. By default, it will replace the first match only. To replace all matches we have to use a global identifier.
string.replace(string1, string2)
string1: It represents the string to be searched and replaced.
string2: It represents the new string that will replace the searched string.
Modified String.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> var str1 ="Best tutorial website: w3schools"; var str2 ="Learn Spring on w3schools. Spring is one of the most popular framework."; //Replace websire with site. document.write(str1.replace('website', 'site')); document.write("</br>"); //Replace only first match. document.writeln(str2.replace(/Spring/,'Spring MVC')); document.write("</br>"); //Replace all matches document.writeln(str2.replace(/Spring/g,'Spring MVC')); document.write("</br>"); //Replace all matches with ignore case document.writeln(str2.replace(/Spring/gi,'Spring MVC')); </script> </body> </html>