The MariaDB Right Outer Join query returns all the rows from the Right table for the specified fields. For the Left table, it only returns those rows where the join condition is met.
SELECT expr_1, expr_2, ... expr_n FROM table_1 RIGHT JOIN table_2 ON join_predicate;
Players Table:
ID NAME SPORTS 1 Sachin Cricket 2 Dhoni Cricket 3 Sunil Football 4 Srikanth Badminton
Trainers Table:
TRAINER_ID TRAINER_NAME TRAINER_SPORTS 101 Bond Football 102 Smith Badminton 103 Brand Boxing
SELECT players.id, players.name, trainers.trainer_id FROM players RIGHT JOIN trainers ON players.sports = trainers.trainer_sports; |
ID NAME TRAINER_ID 3 Sunil 101 4 Srikanth 102 NULL NULL 103
The PLAYERS and the TRAINERS are the already existing tables. All the records for the selected fields from the TRAINERS table will be added to the result set. And only those records from the selected fields of the PLAYERS table will be added to the result set which are satisfying the join conditions.