wbr HTML

HTML <wbr> Tag To define a line break opportunity within an HTML document, the HTML <wbr> tag is used. A single long word, in general, can wrap or not wrap at all on a web page. Scrolling is thus needed to read a long complete word or sentence. However, this is not the case with … Read more

var HTML

HTML <var> Tag The HTML <var> tag is a phrase tag. It is used to specify a variable for a mathematical equation or a computer code. It displays the contents in the italic font. HTML Phrase Tags: Tag Uses <em> To display an emphasized text. <strong> To display an important text. <dfn> To specify a … Read more


HTML <ul> Tag As the name itself suggests, all the list items are marked with bullets by default in a Bulleted List. It is popularly known as HTML Unordered List and hence starts with the <ul> tag. The list items in an HTML Unordered List start with the <li> tag. Tag specific Attributes: Attribute Value … Read more


HTML <tt> Tag The HTML <tt> tag is not supported in HTML5. It was earlier used to specify a particular text in a monospaced font or fixed-width font. It thus displays the text on the browser as a teletype, text-only screen, or line printer. The below tags can be used in HTML5 instead of the … Read more

template HTML

HTML <template> Tag To hold the client-side content which is not displayed when the page loads the HTML <template> tag is used. Using Javascript it can be instantiated during runtime and thus the content can be displayed when activated using JavaScript. While using the same content multiple times in an HTML document without any modification, … Read more

time HTML

HTML <time> Tag To define the date and time in a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar, the HTML <time> tag is used. It thus encodes the value of date and time in a machine-readable format. Thus making it easy to mark or schedule a task and also to produce smarter … Read more