UNRRA – United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration which is an acronym of UNRRA. It was an international relief agency and it is generally overwhelmed by the United States but representing the various nation and the count of the nation is 44. It was founded in the year 1943, and later on, it turned out to be part of the United Nations in 1945, and it to a great extent shut down operations in the year 1947. The main purpose of UNRRA was to plan, coordinate, administer or arrange for the administration of measures for the relief of victims of war in any area under the control of any of the United Nations through the provision of food, clothing, shelter and other basic necessary things, medical and other essential services. Its staff of civil servants which include twelve thousand people and its headquarters is in New York. Financing came from many countries, and totaled $3.7 billion, of which the United States contributed $2.7 billion; Britain contributed $625 million, and Canada contributed $139 million.