Update Document
Using Fauxton:
- Open the following URL:
- Click on the edit option.
- A new page will be displayed to edit the entries in a document.
- Click on the save changes tab after editing.
- The document is thus updated.
Using cURL utility:
curl -X PUT -d '{ "field" : "value", "_rev" : "revision id" }'
Retrieve the revision id of the document to be updated.
curl -X GET
Use the revision id in the below command.
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -X PUT -d'{"Salary": "40000", "_rev":"1-609cd49b1a1bfa5423fcb712b5a65789"}'
Verify the document updated using the below command:
curl -X GET
Important Points:
- The database name and the document id must be present in the URL sent.
- A field cannot be added to an existing document.
- An entirely new version of a document can also be written in a database with the same document ID.
- The response of the update will contain 3 fields:
- “ok”: It is used to specify that the operation is successful.
- “id”: It is used to store the id of the document.
- “rev”: It is used to specify the revision id. A _rev value is generated by CouchDB, every time when a document is revised (updated or modified).