Discover the world of plants with abilities that puzzle scientists and defy expectations.
1. Venus Flytrap: A carnivorous plant that snaps shut on prey with rapid leaf movements.
2. Resurrection Plant: Can survive desiccation, reviving with just a drop of water.
3. Corpse Flower: Produces the world's largest bloom with an odor of decaying flesh.
4. Dancing Plant: Moves its leaves in response to music, a phenomenon still not fully understood.
5. Hydnora Africana: A parasitic plant with a bizarre appearance and foul-smelling flowers.
6. Welwitschia Mirabilis: Lives for over a thousand years with only two leaves.
7. Rafflesia Arnoldii: Known for producing the largest individual flower on Earth.
8. Kauri Tree: Stores water in its leaves, allowing it to survive in drought conditions.
9. Dragon's Blood Tree: Exudes red sap, used as dye and medicine, with an umbrella-shaped canopy.
10. Psychotria Elata: Features bright red bracts, earning it the nickname 'Hot Lips Plant'.