Countries that receive the most tourists looking for medical help

Introduction to medical tourism: Medical tourism involves traveling, usually internationally, to seek specific medical care away from home. 

History of medical tourism: The concept of medical tourism goes back to ancient Greece when pilgrims would visit healing temples such as Epidaraus.

Modern growth of medical tourism: In the 1980s, countries like Costa Rica offered affordable cosmetic and dental surgeries. 

Range of services offered: There is a wide range of services sought after in medical tourism including cosmetic, cardiac, orthopedic, and dental surgeries.

Role of Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations such as HealthCare Tourism International and the Medical Tourism Association provide resources.

Quality and accreditation issues: Joint Commission International and Accreditation Canada International are accreditation bodies.

Ethical concerns: The medical tourism industry faces issues like organ trafficking and exploitation of unproven treatments.

Social impacts on healthcare policy: Medical tourism can increase the disparity in healthcare that already exists. 

Future outlook: Medical tourism offers high-quality, low-cost options worldwide, but it's important to balance the pros.

What are the top medical tourism destinations: The following slides will highlight destinations known for medical tourism and what types of procedures are most popular in each spot. 

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