Foods that should be eaten raw

Cucumber - Cucumbers are all about that fresh, crisp, and crunchy texture. Cooking them not only will affect their texture, but also reduce their nutritional content.

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Seaweed - Seaweed is packed with iodine, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Cooking it can diminish its nutritional value.

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Avocados - Minerals and fiber in avocados can be lost during cooking. Nonetheless, avocados can still be cooked (even though you might prefer them raw, anyway).

Berries - Not only are these nutritionally awesome, they are also delicious and versatile. They're best eaten fresh, frozen, or dried.

Olive oil - Olive oil is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants, which may be affected by heat. It is, however, safe to cook with it.

Lemon - Lemons are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are nutrients that can be affected by heat.

Coconut - Raw coconut not only tastes great, but it's also good for you. Coconut water is also a natural source of electrolytes, so you really can't go wrong with it.

Carrots - Cooking may help with the absorption of beta-carotene, which is then converted into vitamin A. But eating carrots raw will still be beneficial.

Spinach - These leafy greens are packed with vitamins C and E and fiber, as well iron, potassium, and magnesium. Exposure to heat may affect these though.

Kale - Packed with vitamin C, kale is best consumed raw to preserve its nutrients. 

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