Foods you eat daily that can be dangerous

Rhubarb - While the stalks are perfectly safe, beware of the leaves. They contain oxalic acid and can be fatal if you digest enough of it.

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Nutmeg - Ingesting a significant quantity of this spice can lead to a condition known as nutmeg psychosis, which can kill you.

Margarine - A Canadian study by McMaster University found that margarine increased mortality rates by 34%!

Marshmallows - The Chubby Bunny challenge includes stuffing as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible and can lead to choking and death.

Almonds - Bitter almonds undergo a rigorous process for safe consumption. Otherwise, the cyanide they contain in their raw form could lead to death.

Mushrooms - While mushrooms are common in soups and other dishes, some wild mushrooms can actually be highly poisonous.

Honey - If unpasteurized, honey contains poisonous toxins that can be lethal.

Milk - Some people drink raw milk straight from the cow. This is a major hazard, as unpasteurized milk can lead to deadly infections, such as E. coli and listeria.

Peanuts - Another very common food allergy, peanuts can induce anaphylaxis, leading to trouble breathing, shock, and even loss of consciousness.

Kidney beans - Raw kidney beans contain phytohaemagglutinin, which can make you seriously ill and even lead to hospitalization.

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