Leafy greens - When heated in the microwave, leafy, green vegetables like spinach or kale run the risk of converting naturally occurring nitrates into nitrosamines, which can be harmful.
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Beets - Just like spinach, reheating nitrate-rich beets and turnips can convert them into nitrosamines. Good thing they're just as delicious cold.
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Chili peppers - When it comes to chili peppers, whether fresh, roasted, or incorporated into dishes, reheating them in the microwave can be risky.
Frozen fruit - When frozen fruits are exposed to the microwave, the rich amount of glucosides present are converted into carcinogenic substances.
Eggs - Reheating eggs in the microwave can leave them tasting rubbery and tough.
Hard-boiled eggs - When it comes to hard-boiled eggs, it's best to eat them cold or reheat them in a bowl of warm water rather than trying to microwave them.
Mushrooms - Since mushrooms are sensitive to high heat, microwaving them can cause changes to their texture and flavor.
French fries - French fries become disappointingly soggy and gross when reheated in the microwave.
Pastries - When you reheat pastries in the microwave, they can quickly lose their crispiness and become soggy or stale.
Pizza - When reheated in the microwave, pizza can turn soggy, with the crust losing its original crispness.
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