Healthy non-perishable food items to keep in stock

Lentils - Dried or canned, lentils last a long time and provide protein, nutrients, and fiber.

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Canned fish and poultry - Canned tuna, salmon, chicken, or turkey: they all tend to last around two years and provide tons of protein.

Trail mixes - Nuts have varying shelf lives, so be mindful about what your trail mix contains. Otherwise, it's a great mix of nutrients to keep you satiated!

Cereal - Choose multigrain cereals with low sugar content, and keep them in containers after opening to preserve freshness.

Granola bars and power bars - Healthy and filling, these protein-packed snacks tend to stay fresh for at least a year.

Dried beans - Dried beans take more work to prepare but can last 10 or more years, depending on the packaging.

Canned chili - A mixture of vegetables and beans, and it’s already seasoned and ready to eat!

Dried vegetables - Dried veggies, like tomatoes and carrots, can be kept about six months. If they're freeze-dried, they can be rehydrated or eaten just like that.

Non-dairy milk - Plant-based drinks like soy milk last up to a year at room temperature, while canned coconut milk keeps up to five years.

Sugar, salt, spices - Having an array of spices will ensure that no matter how little or basic the food you have on hand is, you'll be able to make it tasty.

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