Don't overcook vegetables - Not only does overcooking vegetables take a very long time, it can also remove all the nutrients. You would be better off eating them raw!
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Microwave lemons - If you soften lemons in the microwave for 20 seconds before squeezing them, they will produce more juice!
The usefulness of citrus juice - Avocados can oxidize extremely quickly, which makes them look very unappealing. This can be avoided by adding citrus juice to them.
Retain the fat from meat - Not only can meat fat provide a great base for stocks and sauces, it is highly economical and environmentally friendly to reduce waste.
Onion powder - Peeling and slicing onions can be very time-consuming. If you want to save time, you can replace them with onion powder, which has the same flavor.
Use unsalted butter - Unsalted butter is not only healthier, but you also avoid modifying the taste of the food that you are cooking by excluding an extra salt.
Wood utensils - Using wooden utensils is a great idea for many reasons. They won't damage pans and they are also more environmentally friendly.
Vinegar - Vinegar has more use than just as a cleaning product! It can also be used to cook fish, whiten potatoes, or thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables.
Use a ceramic knife - Not only is it faster to use a ceramic knife, you will also prevent vegetables from oxidizing as quickly as they would if cut with a metal knife.
Make your own mayonnaise - In order to save money, why not try making your own mayonnaise? All you need are eggs, vinegar, and oil!
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