These are Earth's most radioactive locations

Chernobyl: the site: One of the biggest nuclear tragedies in history happened in 1986.

Chernobyl: the accident: The blast killed more than 30 people.

Chernobyl: the consequences: According to a UN publication, approximately 8.4 million people.

Chernobyl: aftermath: The Exclusion Zone used to be an area of 30 km radius surrounding the nuclear plant.

Chernobyl: population: Despite the serious health risks, some people continued to live in their villages.

Chernobyl: exclusion zone: Before the Russian invasion, the area used to be visited by some tourists.

Fukushima: the area: The Fukushima region in Japan is another highly radioactive area you should avoid.

Fukushima: the disaster: In 2011, a strong earthquake, followed by a tsunami, hit Japan.

Fukushima: victims: ccording to The Independent, the disaster caused at least 15,000 deaths.

Fukushima: the nuclear accident: The tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

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