Fermented pork sausage, Vietnam - Nem Chua is essentially raw sausage, but don't let the fear of food poisoning put you off trying this Vietnamese staple.
Pickled eggs, UK - Meat-free pub-goers in Britain can always get their protein-and-salt hit from another enduringly popular British pub snack, the pickled egg.
Lupin beans, Portugal - These heavily-salted beans, known as tremoços, are handed out free in many traditional Portuguese watering holes.
Fried plantain, Jamaica - Eating what looks like a plate of sliced banana with your drink might seem an odd choice, but plantain is starchier and less sweet than banana.
Fried caterpillars, Thailand - A crunchy dish of salted, fried caterpillar makes a popular drinking snack in Thailand.
Dried shredded squid, Japan - Swap the beer for sake to properly enjoy the taste of your dried, shredded squid. It's a very popular salted snack in Japan.
Scotch eggs, UK - Scotch eggs–hard boiled eggs covered in sausage meat and breadcrumbs–are one of the UK's most popular bar snacks and a staple in many a traditional pub.
Pigs in a blanket, USA - Although the name sounds cute, this won't appeal to vegetarians. Basically cocktail sausages wrapped in pastry, it's a popular pairing to large quantities of beer.
Chicken-and-scallion skewers, Japan - It might sound fancier than your average bar snack, but it's a standard in informal izakaya eating and drinking establishments.
Pork-and-cabbage dumplings, Japan - Traditional Japanese gyoza are made with pork and vegetables (often cabbage), and pan-fried or boiled.
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