Fried food - Eating fried foods can trigger heartburn due to their high fat and oil content, plus they often contain excessive sodium.
Apples - An easy snack to bring along, apples might seem like a healthy choice. However, all the fiber in them makes them difficult to digest, which leads to gas and bloating.
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Caffeinated drinks - Avoid coffee and caffeinated tea during the flight, as they can contribute to dehydration.
Alcohol - Sorry to break it to you, but alcohol and flying is a seriously bad mix.
Spicy food - Known for causing stomach discomfort, it's best to stick with something more bland before boarding.
Broccoli - Like beans, cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can cause gas.
Gum - By chewing gum, you let excess air into your body, which in turn causes gas and bloating. You're better off freshening your breath with a mint!
Salty or processed food - Salty processed foods are also packed with sodium and saturated fats, which should be avoided at high altitudes.
Legumes - Legumes contain a sugar known as oligosaccharide, which is difficult to fully digest, often leading to bloating, discomfort, and increased gas.
Dried fruit - If you've been recently diagnosed with asthma, consuming dried fruit isn't the best choice for a flight.
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